6 Suicidal Habits That Are Limiting Your Success.

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Habits that keep us from achieving high levels of success are so small that we might find them less significant. Our stumbling blocks to the next step are things we do without blinking an eye.

Many might associate failure with big things like hidden lives, drugs and other big disasters. For majority of people; me and you included, it is the small decisions we make on a daily basis that holds us from achieving the level of success that matches our dreams.

You will be on the appropriate route to success if you fix these 6 poor decisions you make on a daily basis.

1. Over-engaging with time-wasters.

Social media, alcohol, television and many other activities are not bad if indulged in with moderation. The main challenge is one show or two minutes to check your Facebook notification can easily turn into hours wasted. Saying no to overindulgence will set you right on the road to higher levels of success.

2. Snoozing the Alarm.

Beginning the day with the undisciplined habit of pressing the snooze button sets your mind in a state of resisting to do what you set out to do. The snooze button steals time to work towards your dreams, study, meditate and pray. Take a bold step of faith and decide to stick to your wake up time in order to start reaching out for success.

3. Allowing Wrong Thoughts to Flood Your Mind.

Believing in every thought that enters your mind completely holds you back from achieving higher levels of success. There are thoughts that motivate you while others only hold you down inside the pit of failure. Focus on positive thoughts and exercise your mind to believe that something good is gonna happen no matter what. If we choose what we think wisely, we’ll be on our way to achieving new levels of success.

4. Believing Negative Information.

habits of failure

Negative information affects the belief in our dreams. Block negative friends on Facebook, stop watching programs that do not add pomp on your journey towards success. Many things will be baying for your attention. The more you say no to the wrong influences, the bolder your belief in the possibility of achieving higher levels of success.

5. Indecision.

Reaching great heights in life requires energy, time and overcoming temporary defeat. Indecision snatches from us the ability to consistently go long enough in the direction of success. Zigzagging through life gets nothing accomplished. Have a clear focus on what you want and gain the courage to hit those goals you never thought would be possible. Remember, delays and indecision are the roots to failure.

6. Waiting for the Right Time.

There is nothing like the right time in life. Waiting for the right time is just a synonym to postponing. The right time will never come. Learn to dance in the rain. Grab your chances now and stop waiting for some better time.

Final Purport

The deeper these small habits penetrate their roots in your life the harder they will become to uproot. Do not give up. Defeat one habit at a time. With every habit you conquer, you will be a step closer to achieving greater success.


3 Comments Add yours

  1. Great post! All six of these are problems we do face and most of the time we allow it to become habits. Keep up the good work and I wish you all the best!-Chris Thompson


    1. Eric Were says:

      Thank you Chris.


  2. Mike Shundu says:

    Just amazing Erick. Personally truly motivated by My peer. You.


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